Monday, December 1, 2008

Cadet Pilot Briefing Day

Yeah,eventually came to briefing day.Yes as usual i was suffering from insomnia again before went to subang.I slept at 3 something,but im good.I woke up at 7 am.After tidied up myself it was almost 7:30am.Started my motor engine”bla bla bla”,SHIT!!!.The engine is still cold to start.Pathetic motor,”I am so sorry” i have to say to you here because abandoned u for over a month.I had to step you harder in order to wake up you.

“Bang Bang Bang”,finally you had woken up.Headed to subang ,suddenly “ti ta ti ta”it was raining.No!!! I had to change to my plan.I had decided to borrow a car from my friend.Luckily he didnt blame me because woke him up in the early morning.”THANK YOU YAO LIN!!!”.After got into the car,i drove as fast as i could.Shit!!!What a bad day!!!Massive jam!Initially i waited patiently but as time going ,i had lost my patiently.I was watching at the clock,the time was getting closer.What to do???

I used a short cut way,i crossed the”long dragon”.Actually a car had broken down in the middle of the road.Ok! tried my best as fast as possible headed to subang.When i reached there ,it was 9:45.The briefing had started.What a bad impression for my batchmates!Luckily it was not the captain Tony Ho speaking.

After the hr lady briefing,we went to cafeteria to have our lunch there.Faizi gave a big hug to me.This was our private promise!!! Dnt ask!!! And we are not gay!!!We exchanged phone number and so on.Yo,Another briefing by Captain Tony Ho at 2 pm.Before that,we paid a visit in simulator building.

This is 777-200 simulator.Obviously,someone was playing.You can see from the angle.

This is 737-400.I will get into this after the training in flying school.

The cockpit of 737-400

Future captain.HAHA!!!

My hat and epaulette.

Ok,now the Captain Tony Ho turn,for me he is a nice guy,got sense of humor.Although he is fierce,but i know this is for our good.He taught us the ethics of pilot and some advise.I confidently anticipate the captain day of me.Good luck !!!

Monday, November 17, 2008


At the late night,i am suffering from insomnia again.
It has been with me since may.
Stressful life.
Loaded by exam ,test ,exam ,test.
I whimper how timid am i ?
i grumble how useless am i ?
I want to express my unsatisfied.
Will you betray your good friend in order to exchange wealth?
I do not know this kind of people still exisiting on the earth.
But from now,i have to take fully attention to beware of him or her.
Learn from a mistake.
Am i muscly? NOPE,may be last time.But do not worry .
I am sane.
I have gained a lot of weight.I have to suggest a solution to my brain.let them work it out.
I am staring at a star on a brink,when can i grab it?
I am choked of the pressure .
Am i versed in anything?ya,I am aviation maniac.Wat else?Lol i do not know more.I am a practical man,I am not a theoretical man.Grabbed the wisdom from my lecturer.
Too many perverted human on the street.HEY,be careful your wallet and life.U may lose it.WHY? because of corruption in economic.What to do?
Waiting to be enrolled as MAS cadet pilot.i saw the gleam of daylight through the cracks.
I wanna find a shade to hide.Who can borrow me a shoulder?
I like Bare swim because i like freedom,but honestly not secure when u r in the sea.I had tried.
I want to be a sprinter,run ahead than others.
I can resist the mock,I want to be a conqueror.

HEY,friend.This is 1:52 am now.Ciao!!!

马航飞机师面试第三关(Final Interview)



那天,我也如往常的。很早就到Mas Complex B了。

到了那边,已经没心情再读了。在interview room外徘徊。心里忐忑不安。听见房间里不时地传出笑声。很恐怖。我一直假装保持镇定。哈哈,是不想让人家看见我紧张。走来走去,看看杂志。眼看快要2点40分了。在我之前的印度人走了出来。看见他走出来,整个人崩溃了。我心想,死了啦这次。




过后,坐在中间的mr shahrul开始介绍自己。谈话如下。

mr shahrul:I am mr shahrul from hr department,on my right hand side is captain asri,he is airbus captain.anyway,on my left hand side is captain idi,he is boeing 777 captain.

me:Good afternoon captain and mr shahrul,nice to meet u all.

Mr shahrul:Can you tell us about your background,your hobbies,anything about you and why do you want to be a pilot?

me:I have 3 sibling.I am the eldest.I am the only son.bla bla bla bla…..i like to …… is the turn for grandma story why i want to be a pilot….bla bla bla bla…

他们听了我的故事后,就哈哈大笑,但是我真的不懂有什么好笑。算了,我就陪他们一起笑。我还看到captain idi笑到流眼泪。不明白???过后就问了我一些问题,但是有一些我已经忘了。

mr shahrul:what are the subsidiary company of mas?

me:firefly and mas wings

captain asri:ermm,wat aircraft has fly fire purchased recently?


mr shahrul:how many blades of atr 72-500?

me:6.哈哈这个他们有吓到。他们以为我不会答了。captain asri 也不会,他就问mr shahrul告诉了他我的答案正确。

captain idi:you are do u do the decision making?

me:ermm,i have studied in my mechanical engineering course ,haha ,but unfortunately i forgot ald.can u give me a scenario?

captain idi:ok,like this.i have 200 K,what kind of car do u recommend me?

哈哈,我以前有做过pcfair promotor这个难不到我,幸好对车还有一点认识。

me:erm,i would like to recommend you honda civic 2.0.

captain idi:haha,ok ,why?can you convince me?

me:sure ,captain .ok like this.first,honda is a well known branded car.second,honda civic new generation is a stylish and sporty car.third,it has low maintenance cost.fourth,you can redeem rm 650 from our government.(这个真的很好笑,临机一动,想到的)

they:hahahahahahaha!!!you are a funny guy.we like you .

me:thank you captain.


captain idi:why there are two kind of aircrafts model in yr email and hp number?

me:because these are my two favourite aircrafts.

captain idi:which one are the most u like?

me:i think should be boeing 777.

captain idi:why?

me:bla bla bla bla bla(将全部boeing777 的强项)

captain idi:(点头)。what is the latest aircraft of boeing?

me:boeing 787,but havent launch yet

captain idi:how about the latest aircraft of airbus?

me:A350,it hasnt launch yet too.

captain idi:can you tell me the most advance aircraft in the world?

me:captain,i think should be A380.

captain idi:why?

me:because it is the latest aircraft have been launched.bla bla bla bla……

captain idi:where did u get these information ?

me:from internet

captain idi:wat website?

me:bla bla bla bla..(这时他就用它的手提电脑差,幸亏我会,不是瞎说的。)

mr shahrul:tell me wat have u prepared for the mispa and interview?

me:bla bla bla bla….

mr shahrul:ok .do u have any question wan to ask us?

me:yes sir,i have one question regarding cross wind landing.can u explain to me?
captain idi:bla bla bla bla bla…

me:thank you sir…

还没出去之前,我了他们的手。captain idi问我为什么你的手这样湿?

我给大家的劝告就是,在过程中尽量保持笑容,要亲切,要谦虚。不懂的就说不懂,不要瞎说。还有事前准备是很重要的。看多一点关于宇航的东西吧。我也是为了这个final interview准备了五年。希望大家美梦成真。


马航飞机师面试第二关(Psychometric Test)




1-第一个是verbal test.那就是说语言测验。总共有六十题,必须在三十分钟内答完。他的出题方式是,他会给你很多短文,然后一个短文就会有3-4题的问题。过后你的答案必须填写在一张答案纸上。对的就写A错的就写B短文没提到的就写C每个问题只有三个选择。做不完可以空着。

2-第二个是numerical test,那就是说数学测验。这个测验主要是要试探你的解读能力,即能不能在压力的情况下工作。出题方式是这样的,在问题书的最后一面,有很多不一样资料的graph,chart等等。比如currency exchange。有四十题的问题,必须在60分钟内完成。做不完可以空着。

3-第三个是iq test,.那就是说智力测验。总共有40题,必须在20分钟内完成。难度不高,最重要是用逻辑的思想。做不完可以空着。

4-第四个是personality test,那就是说个人思想,行为。。测验。哈哈(不懂华语怎样讲)总共有100题,必须在45-60分钟内完成。这一个test一定要做完!!!


建议-不会做的,别理它先,做下一题,如果时间应许,才看回。因为时间有限,但是基本上都不会有足够的时间。我也是空了很多题。-别紧张,紧张了就弄不好。-不要ting tong thieng!!!
这个网页一定可以帮到大家 ,因为马航的psychometric是这家公司做的。里面有练习的题目,不妨试试。

马航飞机师面试第一关(Psychomotor Test)

1)Psychomotor test
2)Psychometric test
3)Final Interview
4)Medical check up


5月9日的早上,我睡到像猪一样。突然有一通电话打来,我没理它。因为我真的爬不起来,太困了。这通电话响了很久,我慢慢的爬了起来。看了电话显示,是一通private number.

Mr Hafiz: Are you Ho XXX XXX?

Me: Yes, I am .

Mr Hafiz: I want you to come Subang Mas Building Complex A for your Psychomotor Test on 13 of May.Your session is at 3:30 pm.Please bring along your certificates and spm result slip.

Me: Yes!!!

Mr Hafiz:haha,you are very excited.

Me:Yes I am.Haha.

Mr Hafiz:Is this your second attempt?

Me: Yes,This is my second attempt

Mr Hafiz:So i think u already know the place.

Me: Yes,i already know the place,I have been there before.

Mr Hafiz:I want u to wear proper attire.

Me: Ok,yes sir.Thank you very much.

Mr Hafiz : You are welcome.


从那天起,我开始进入紧急状态。加勤练习,我的joystick.因为我第一次,就是败在这方面。我要加强我的缺点。我在flight simulator 2004 里选了light aircraft 然后把joystick的sensitivity 放到最高。一直练习,起飞,降落,转左,转右。我没用autopilot因为这样才可以训练得到我们的触感和平衡感。然后每天上网,看看人家的劝告,经验。我们要从人家的失败中,学习。

那天我很早就到simulator building.因为我觉得早到可以让我的心情平复些。人难免会有点紧张,而且我很重视,就是那种只许成功不许失败。我在每一关,要考试前都会伸一口很长很长的气。因为这样有助我把头脑冷静。

psychomotor test 里有五关

第一关里,你会看到一个这样的东西。那个vertical line 和horizontal line 会动来动去。你必须把那粒红色的球对准两条线的交叉点。你要用你得joystick对准。记得不要太大力,因为他的敏感度很高。轻轻的动就可以了,用柔力,用腕力。你会发现当你移向左时,会有一股力量反抗着你。当你要用多一点力时,就顺你。变成用力过多所以要小心。


第二关,就是考你的反应能力,理解能力。电脑会说,positive right circle.电脑就会出现三个图。你就要在三个图里选出哪一个是。在这里只有一个。如果他说negative right square,也是同样的意思。时间会慢慢的减少,从六秒到四秒,所以反应一定要很快。








考完试了,乘还没balik kampung,就去了KLIA Air Traffic Control(ATC).由于朋友的爸爸在那边上班,所以我们通行无阻。



整个KLIA一目了然。这里就是我们每次去的地方。departure and arrival hall.左手边是runway 14L 32R.


klia  ATC 的radar.

不久就看到一辆马航的A330-300要降落了。同时也有一辆saudi arabian airline 的boeing747 准备起飞。

Saturday, October 11, 2008


今天,心血来潮的想去槟城机场拍照及看飞机。很久都没接触到飞机了,因为考试忙。出发前心情总是有点兴奋。开车不久到了机场runway04 threshold.wah!!!太阳很晒!!!

等了一下,有一辆马航Boeing 737-400 开始pushback 了。过后就起飞了。

过了不久,又有一辆新航Boeing 777-200 要起飞了。我只拍了它taxing的照片。因为我要感受,他飞过我头顶那时候的感觉。真的超爽!!!rolls -royce trent series turbo fan真的超强。还有那777的机身,真的很庞大。

停在一旁的Boeing747 Cargo.China Airline.

有一辆国泰航空的Boeing777-300在做approaching 了。

Airbrake deployed



